Welcome to Our Own Voices Live with your host, Rodney Smith

Our Topic(s) today: “Black History Month the Black Agenda and Reparations”

If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call: (347) 826-9600. Press #1 to speak


 Black History Month                                          

Feb was African American History Month or Black History Month.  What did it mean to you?  I even hear some people who say we no longer need it.  I disagree.  Since we have it, what are we doing with it and what difference does it make?  Heck, what difference can it make?  

The Black Agenda

Each year I like to discuss the Black Agenda since it is the one month where we can openly talk about 100% Black stuff.  This year was no different.  I asked if we should have one and what should it be composed of.  


The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.  That is how the Merriam Webster dictionary defines Reparations.  Should Decedents of American Slaves receive reparations?

If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call: (347) 826-9600. Press #1 to speak 

Our Own Voices Live is a radio show featuring people and stories from our community in Las Vegas, the surrounding area and some place near you. America is the greatest country on earth due to its cultural diversity and not in spite of it. Our mission is to help bridge the cultural and ethnic divide in America by working together to build the greatest bridge in history to unite us