Music Series of “Woman’s Growth“, with Abigail Marshal 

Upward and Onward Productions Presents “Our Meeting at the Crossroads” music series. With our Host Darren Lorenzo and Co-Host Jardé Pierre. Our featured Artist for this week is, Abigail Martial, from the beautiful island of St. Lucia. This particular segment, is dedicated to women’s worth and growth. Join us for more Artist and Music, from our series.
From the Helen of the West Indies, the beautiful island of St. Lucia, we have whom is called “the tiny powerhouse“, the singer/song writer Abigail Marshall. Who’s quote is “..sing with passion and enjoy every song like it’s going to be your last, and don’t let anyone shut you up. Because growth is eternal. As we grow, our voices grow with us so practice and growing is like tuning a guitar because our voices change. This episode takes place on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Barbados, northeast of St. Vincent, and south of Martinique. 

“After Talk” Host, Director and Creator - Darren Lorenzo
Co host, Sound Editor, Sound Mixer - Bruno Diaz