Special Guest Host, Michele J. Rolle, is a Chief Mammography Technologist at a prominent Obstetrics and Gynecology practice, which she has represented in television, radio and print interviews. She has been compassionately educating women about breast health for more than 25 years. Michele has recently debuted her memoir, Invisible Warrior, an inspiring narrative that lays bare the struggles of her youth in the New York City projects and follows her into a triumphant adulthood.

Michele will be interviewing Kelly Hickok, who served eight years on the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities and currently sits on the Community Integration Advisory Commission to provide input to the Governor on issues impacting the lives of individuals with disabilities.  Kelly is also a member of the elite National ADA Leadership Network. After spending 20 years as an architectural consultant relating to Accessibility and the ADA, Kelly is now the Community Services Manager for Resources for Independent Living.  

Workshops mentioned in the show: Empowerment To Prevent Institutionalization - contact Kelly Hickok at [email protected]. Chronic Disease Self Management-You Can Live Well Virginia - contact Joan Welch at [email protected].

The Authentic Woman with Shannon Fisher explores personal, political, and societal perspectives of the female experience in America. The show delves deeply into the worlds of women writers, artists, celebrities, and community leaders and offers listeners food for thought on ways to better themselves and the world around them. Follow Shannon on Twitter: @MsShannonFisher.

Copyrighted podcast solely owned by the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network, LLC.

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