Hey friends!

Let's tink to a few things:

Madd and I are becoming grown ass people looking to do some things around the house. Home improvement and the fact it took us forever to do it because tenant brain.
Have you all seen Spotlight? This award-winning film is all we've been talking about lately.
We went to Comedy Works South to see Taylor Tomlinson live. Who doesn't need a laugh these days?

Hey, want to support the show? We got SWAG like a bunch of sellouts! https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Our-Kid-s-Asleep-Podcast-by-ChillMachine/71043173.6IBXU?utm More designs coming soon! If you want to help other ways, review and share this recorded program!

Air your grievances at [email protected]

Much love,


The show lives here: https://cruzfolio.com/our-kids-asleep-podcast/