In this episode, we explore the importance of human-to-human contact and
the impact it can have on our lives. Our guest, professor of psychology and public affairs at Princeton University and a recipient of a MacArthur Genius Grant, Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Levy Paluck, emphasizes the value of engaging with people around us in order to have a positive impact on the issues that affect us all.

We also discuss the need to examine norms, how norms subconsciously filter how we interact with one another, as well as benefits of real-life conversations in shifting those norms.
Join us as we delve into the power of human connection and the unwritten rules that shape us.
“The effect of a supreme court decision regarding gay marriage on social norms and personal attitudes” - 
“Engineering social change using social norms: Lessons from the study of collective action” - 
“The Supreme Court Overturned Roe. Will Americans’ Views Toward Abortion Change” - 
A report on a field experiment with London-area train commuters on the avoidance of pleasant
conversations with strangers - 
“Type Less, Talk More” - 
“Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge” - 
Be a part of Our Dream Deferred: use the hashtag #OurDreamDeferred or write to us at
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Our Dream Deferred is produced by the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA). 

Editing and sound design for this episode was done by Bea Mitchell.