Previous Episode: Promo
Next Episode: Episode Two

Pull on your wellies and join us on a dog walk. Lola and I bring our first episode from Weston-super-Mare beach where we introduce you to three fascinating characters - and even a competition.

Discover how Steep Holm measures up to the romantic image of the uninhabited island. Warden Christopher Maslen gives us his unique and extraordinary perspective on this fascinating outpost in the Bristol Channel.

Leading fused glass designer Jo Downs talks Cornwall, chemistry and Elton John. And did I mention there’s a competition for you to  enter? You don’t have long to be in with a chance of winning a beautiful handmade piece of Jo Downs art.

And if you're a keen birder who likes their Poldark or Natural History telly,  the chances are at some point you've seen birds who have been trained by TV Bird Specialist Lloyd Buck. I get the low-down on the surprisingly funny and incredible life of starlings.  

Get ready to be immersed in wholesome, light-hearted and rural inspired audio.

Further reading:

Christopher Maslen Steep Holm Warden

“It’s a piece of wilderness that will stay a piece of wilderness, so as time goes on and wilderness gets rarer and rarer, it will be a beacon in the middle of the channel”
Instagram @steepholmisland
Twitter      @SteepHolmIsland

 Jo Downs Fused Glass Artist

“Grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said, ‘Look Jo, 1 in 2000 people have this talent and I’m not going to let you waste it.’”

“I just made sure I was there at 6 O’Clock in the morning on the day of booking.. to use the kiln. I’d sit there for 3 hours in the cold.. so I could teach myself how to do fusing.”
Twitter @jodownsglass
Instagram @jodownsglass
Facebook @ jodownshandmadeglass