"King Day: To Forget Is to Forfeit"

Since 1983, communities and organizations have celebrated King Day through various, creative and serious celebrations and forums. A national monument in Washington has been erected in Dr. King's honor. However, there seems to be a diffusion in what we teach, remember and understand about Dr. King's contribution to this country. The holiday seems to have become somewhat less deliberative in our celebrations. 

We now have generations of Black children, a new scholarship that tends to marginalize the power of his transformative power in our own communities. We read and quote his words outside the context and the import of the history he ignited.

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"If America Fails?: The Coming Tyranny" 12-Week Discussion Series of the book and Hulu TV production, "The Handmaid's Tale"

How a dystopian story reveals the terror and consequences of a failed state - the United States of America. The consequences in the story are lessons that we should all seriously consider.