The Prophetical Texts of Daniel Part 2

Daniel 7:1-9

This is my podcast about why Jesus Christ is "Our Blessed Hope" and why the Bible is the only resource we can go to, to discover this truth.  On today's episode, I continue our study on the "Signs of the Times", by continuing our study through the prophetical texts of Daniel.  In Daniel chapter seven, I ponder the rise of world kingdoms, that will eventually bring us a one world government under the power of the Anti-Christ.  In our world today, in which so many voices are crying out for a one world government, we must be fully aware of the fact that this type of government will not bring world peace, but will instead bring destruction and the ultimate wrath of God.  We must be aware of these ramifications and have the knowledge necessary to warn everyone who is living in such worldly deception.  I invite you to join me today on this important topic.