Thank You Jesus

Beloved of God you are welcome to the penultimate episode of My365 Devotional Challenge for the month of August.

The Month has been a month of Fasting and Vaccines where while fasting, we looked at everything connected the the proposed C-19 Bill Gates vaccine that has been touted by the World Health Organization, Dr Fauchi and many pharmaceutical companies
Like Bigpharma & Pfizer as the next big thing in the fight against the C-19 Pandemic.

A lot of expositions have come up in the duration of the month-long episode that sent me straight to my alter on my knees.

Speaking of Alters, is it right to have a personal alter erected for God at home where you worship and bow before Him regularly?

I’ve been bothered cause I’ve done a lot of bowing down this month at the foot of the alter in my house but thinking about what God said about bowing down to items and calling them god made me feel like I should dismantle my alter which I have my Communion Bread and Wine and my Olive Oil on. Some people have their Bibles and other Spiritual items on theirs but, eehm, me I don’t have a paperback Bible as I use my eBible but always planned on putting one there when I get a Bible Bible.

Confused on what to do, I decided to go on YouTube to listen to opinions on personal alters and the search result brought up some thumbnails. I told myself I’ll get clicking when I’m done with what was distracting me, cause I was also tidying up stuff in the other room when my free finger on his own went and clicked on a video I didn’t even send it to click on and what I heard baffled me.

“Did you know that worrying is idolatry?” Those words stunned me and I immediately stopped every other thing and listened to this man speak.

When you worry, you cannot worship and when you don’t worship God, inwardly or outwardly, something else is glorified and that is the forces of darkness.

Jesus Christ expressly told us that we should worry for nothing cause by worrying we cannot add to our height. Matt. 6:25 and you can read down.

As I’m Just typing this, I’ve received a different revelation of that scripture because when we worship, we are elevated (add to our stature) into the realms of God where He dwells and in His Holy presence, we know that there is liberty and fullness of joy. We rise above our issues and add spiritual height to our being but when we worry, we sink and we wallow through which the hedge can be broken and forces of darkness can penetrate to make real our fears.

So beloved, let’s cast our cares on God for He alone truly cares for us and can turn our situations around.

The presence of worry is the absence of worship and He that does not worship God, exalts the enemy.

let’s talk alters from next month Beloved. God bless you real good.

Thank You Jesus

Jesus Precious Jesus
I adore You Lord today
Master Blessed Saviour
Come and take Your place we pray

You created me to Bow down
Me to Prostrate
And Worship Your Holy Name

There is no one like You God
So Faithful & True
We worship Your Holy Name

Cause You are Faithful
More than anything You’re Beautiful
More than anything You’re Merciful
And we lift our hearts in Praise

And You are Awesome
More than anyone You’re Handsome

Oh Oh Oh I got carried away.

Thank You Jesus

No matter your conviction, no matter your creed, it changes absolutely nothing when it comes to the reality that Jesus Christ is The Great King of the whole universe. Every other god na so so yeye and they know it. Worship Him

Stay I’m Peace, love all men but stand firm and defend The Truth when called upon to do so.

Be wise as the serpent but as gentle as a Dove.

God bless you and see you tomorrow for our month of August finale.