With this episode #13, we continue our journey of  ... explorations in Consciousness, ... Silence, ... Self Realization, ... Self Discovery, ... The Mystery ... Download Kabir, God, and State-less Joy | Pop-up Viewer...

With this episode #13, we continue our journey of  ... explorations in Consciousness, ... Silence, ... Self Realization, ... Self Discovery, ... The Mystery ...

Download Kabir, God, and State-less Joy | Pop-up Viewer

Those of you who listen to our RumiTime channel are aware that my poem selection is random .... I just let my fingers flip to a page and invariably I find a gem which becomes the RumiTime episode for the week.

A similar method is used for most episodes of JoyChats, i.e., during the week ... we randomly arrive at a topic or something arises during a dialog between me and my Beloved wife ... and it directly or indirectly leads us to the episode's subject.

As it turns out, nothing had quite struck this past week until today ...

Recently I've been researching into the Indian Mystic poet Kabir because I'll be including his poem readings on RumiTime ...this research is primarily locating Kabir's original Hindi text but it is also refreshing my memory because Kabir was part of my High School education in India ... and I remember he left an impact which ... at the time ...  did not do anything out of the ordinary except there was something intriguing about it ... something that would "tug deep within" and it remained lodged in my psyche ... dormant for almost 30 years... until I found Rumi and that of course reminded me of Kabir ... primarily because of the nature and the subject of Rumi poems but also indirectly due to Robert Bly ...

Those familiar with Coleman Barks' Rumi translations would know that Bly is the one who introduced Coleman to Rumi 's poetry ... which is an interesting story in itself ... and this story is mentioned in Coleman's books ... Bly, of course, has done some Kabir  translations ... it's truly a Mystery how The Universe works ...Rumi  to  Coleman ... and Coleman to Bly ... and Bly to Kabir ...

Anyhow you'll be hearing lot more about Kabir on RumiTime ...

For me Kabir has a draw not just because of his simple and profound wisdom but also because he was a "regular man of the world" ... he was a householder ... his life was in the "here and now" ... His poems remind one of simple ways to experience God in the "here and now" ... Here's a sample from his short poems known as doheys in Hindi

दुख में सुमिरन सब करे सुख में करै न कोय।
जो सुख में सुमिरन करे दुख काहे को होय

which roughly translates to .... all are aware of God when they are sad; but not when they are happy ... those who are aware of God when happy; do not have to be sad ...

My interpretation is that when one realizes the Divine in the "here and now"  ... then there is no sad or happy because the game of comparison is dissolved ... when one is identified with That which is always here then sad and happy are dissolved ... and one "falls into" or realizes the stateless Joy ... one realizes the peace that is always here regardless of one's feeling state.

There is a subtlety here that is worth addressing ... its not that sad and happy are not felt ... they most certainly are ... it is that these polarities or mental comparisons are no longer directing ... because one is identified with Awareness not the by product of Awareness.

In feeling sad one is aware of sadness, in feeling happy one is aware of happiness  ... awareness is present regardless of  the feeling state ... awareness is not dependent on the feeling state ... it simply  IS!

If one is identified with this ever present awareness then sad or happy simply dissolve back into their source ... The Joy that is effortless ... and this is the Joy that is present when one is sad ... and this is the Joy that is also present when one is happy.

दुख में सुमिरन सब करे सुख में करै न कोय।
जो सुख में सुमिरन करे दुख काहे को होय

We also have two other channels ... PolitOpine re contemporary American politics and the Obama Presidency ... ... and ... RumiTime re mystical poetry readings from Rumi, Kabir Hafez (Hafiz), and others.