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Otsuka Group member Nutrition & Santé, a leading manufacturer of dietetic products including slimming and sports foods, won the 2017 Inaugural Grand Prix Award from the French National Association of Food Industries (ANIA) and EY *1 at an award ceremony held on January 18th.

The prize rewards French food industry companies for their growth in France or overseas, for job creation, and for their commitment to social responsibility initiatives. Nutrition & Santé was selected from a shortlist of 17 companies by an independent jury.

For almost half a century, Nutrition & Santé has developed, produced and sold healthy and tasty food products to consumers in France and in over 40 countries across the globe. The company maintains around thirty brands in segments such as dietetics *2, organic and alternative foods *3, slimming nutrition *4, and sports nutrition *5.

The award recognizes Nutrition & Santé’s achievements in growth (an increase of 16% from the previous year), in expanding sales overseas, and their commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices such as complying to international standards, procuring raw materials and reducing waste. The award also recognized efforts in innovation, such as meat analogue products that have the same taste, texture, and shape as meat.

Speaking on accepting the award, Nutrition & Santé CEO Didier Suberbielle said, “We are very proud to receive this prize, which rewards the growth made by the company over the past few years, and in particular in 2016 with the acquisition of Bicentury. We regularly hire new employees. Over the last 5 years, our French workforce has grown by 20%, and we now employ more than 1000 people and 1800 worldwide. Since 2010 we officially committed in a CSR policy and consider it to be a strong axis for the future ... be profitable, human and sustainable, that is our company vision.”

For more information on Nutrition & Santé, visit

*1 EY= Ernst & Young Global Limited
*2 Brands Gerblé / Céréal, Allergo, Valpiform
*3 Brands Céréal Bio, Soy, Céréalpes, Natursoy, Plant Steakhouse *4 Brands Gerlinéa, Milical, Modifast, Pesoforma, Bicentury
*5 Brand Isostar