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New Office Space For Creative Thinking

Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OAPI), and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC), recently put the finishing touches on a new, innovative office space in Princeton, New Jersey.

The space has been thoughtfully designed with an open floor plan that inspires creativity and facilitates everyone’s ability to connect and collaborate without barriers.

Otsuka’s Culture Reflected in Design

The unique design of the office reflects Otsuka’s culture, values, and vision. It provides employees with an optimal environment for brainstorming, camaraderie, and teamwork across the two companies.

A central, open staircase connects all four floors of the new building to encourage movement between floors and to create a sense of unity across the organization. Individual desks are arranged in a more open floor plan, creating an energizing team atmosphere.

In addition, through features such as flexible seating arrangements, meeting rooms of all sizes, open common areas, and a colorful interior décor, the unique workplace design effectively addresses Otsuka’s three main priorities: collaboration, big venture thinking, and innovation. And a large amount of natural light can be found on each of the building’s four levels, a feature that was identified by employees as very important.