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In July, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck Bener Meriah in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North West Sumatra, Indonesia followed by 5.5 and 5.3 magnitude aftershocks. About 40 people were killed and more than 2000 were injured by the quake. This massive quake also destroyed more than 6000 houses. As displaced victims started to congregate with nearly no possessions with them, PT Amerta Indah Otsuka immediately responded to their needs.

The Sales and Promotion team in Medan and Distributor team in Lhokseumawe quickly set into motion a delivery plan. The team left Medan Branch on July 4th at 11:00PM and drove eight hours and arrived in Lhokseumawe at 7:00AM the next day. Then the total team of five drove another four hours to the affected areas and distributed POCARI SWEAT until 9:00PM of that day.

Many roads were still closed due to the earthquake and that is why it took so long to find the camp locations, but that did not deter the staff from delivering the much needed beverages to the victims, a total of 9,600 bottles of POCARI SWEAT.

It was only after the team made sure that all the bottles were properly distributed into the hands of the victims that the Otsuka staff returned to Medan, which took another eight hours. We are extremely proud how swift our response to the natural disaster was and will continue to find ways to assist should such a need arise again!