NOTE: the figures quoted for the number of women running were from UN women and UNDP. According to Africa Check, however, we have 9 women running for Governor, 131 women running for Member of National Assembly, 21 running for Senator, 299 running for County Woman Representative, and 900 running for Member of County Assembly. That comes to a total of 1,360, out of a total of 14,523 candidates, coming to 9.36%.

We are now four days away from the 2017 general election. This week, we are joined by Nerima Wako, Executive Director of Siasa Place, to discuss the role of women and youth in Kenyan politics, and their place in society as a whole. These two groups of make up majority of Kenya’s population but somehow receive few, if any, of the benefits. This government came in on a promise to increase their representation and improve their status. Have they fulfilled their promises? Why have they failed to pass the Gender Two-Thirds Bill? What are the challenges that women and youth face in public and political life in Kenya? How can solve them? Press play!


My Day at Industrial Area Police Station

Women Contributions in Parliament

Jipeshughuli Report (regarding funds for youth)

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