We are 18 days away from Kenya's 2017 general election, and this week, we are joined by Nanjira Sambuli, Digital Equality Advocacy Manager at the Web Foundation and awesome digital citizen to talk about ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in Kenya, which is billed as the Silicon Savannah. Has the Jubilee Coalition delivered on its 2013 manifesto promises? Will we have an internet shutdown during/after this election? How is Kenya's tech ecosystem doing? How does it compare to the rest of Africa? Is the KFCB overstepping its mandate? Is what Ezekiel Mutua is doing censorship? How about the NCIC and its work on "ending" hate speech? Is this approach the right approach? How do ICTs change what it means to be a Kenyan citizen? How do they affect our present and future? Press play to fins out! :)


National Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Policy (2006)

Track, Capture, Kill: Inside Communications Surveillance and Counterterrorism in Kenya

Serianu Kenya Cybersecurity Report 2016

The Information Communication Technology Practitioners Bill, 2016

Episode 11: Censored

Episode 7: Do Not Feed The Facebook

What is Free Basics?

Twitter Mentions