From the rap sheet that nearly got me fired. I thought I made a very good case!

"Tonight's livestreamed disquisition will be on the ethics of shoplifting from self-checkout kiosks. Hint: I'm in favor. But I often feel guilty, so I need to think this through clearly and explicitly. Then we will be joined by @Xenogothic, a denizen of "acc twitter" and "cave twitter" and the batshit blogosphere. I believe Xenogothic is kind of an anti-leftist leftist type, kind of like me maybe, but I'm not really sure. Only one way to find out... Xenogothic's blog is at

Big thanks to all the patrons who help me keep the lights on.

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This conversation was first recorded on July 3, 2018 as a livestream on Youtube. To receive notifications when future livestreams begin, subscribe to my channel with one click, then click the little bell.

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