Mónica Belevan is a Peruvian theorist and crypto entrepreneur. She's the author of a newsletter called Covidian Aesthetics and co-founder of a Web3 production studio called Accursed Share. Her current focus is an NFT project called The Curse, which you can search for on Open Sea.

We talk about Georges Bataille and the meaning of energy expenditure in the cryptoeconomy; Spengler, Wittgenstein, and Duchamp; the aesthetics of covid, the sentimentality of markets; the affective drama of Wallstreet Bets; egregoric warfare; and much more.

➡️  Covidian Aesthetics newsletter: https://covidianaesthetics.substack.com

➡️  Accursed Share production studio: https://accursedshare.art

➡️  The Curse NFT: https://accursedshare.art/curse-nft-auction/

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