After getting some heat for our livestream together, Nina Power sat down with me in London to set the record straight on her political views. I spoke little and mostly let her riff. I've probably never spoken with anyone whose political ethic comes closer to my own. We pretty much summarize this podcast's concept: A radical left politics of the other life. A radical left politics based on the search for truth, frank speech, and immanent relationships.

Part 1 is about Nina's upcoming book, What Do Men Want? Nina addresses the accusation that she's a Men's Rights Activist (MRA); discusses how feminism should think about incels; why women should try to understand concepts popular in MRA circles (e.g., The Game, hypergamy, the "red pill," etc. You can watch a video clip of this part here.

Part 2 is about left-paganism, acid communism, and friendship. Nina responds to accusations about "blood and soil" fascism and participating in a "red-brown alliance." We talk about the Outside; philosophy as self-defense; knowing one's own mind, etc. You can watch a video clip of this part here.

In Part 3 we talk about human sacrifice; Bataille and the Left-Sacred; on feeling trapped in the depressed radical left; redemption and exit; rectifying mistakes; honesty as freedom; courage; and the bravery of friendship as a portal to what I call (with Foucault) the other life. You can watch a video clip of this part here.

If you'd like to discuss this podcast with me and others, suggest future guests, or read/watch/listen to more content on these themes, request an invitation here.

Big thanks to all the patrons who help me keep the lights on.