Dak Prescott signs a new 4-year deal worth $160 million.. Was it the right decision? What does Blake Griffin to Brooklyn mean for the outcome of the NBA season. Who should win the NBA MVP, Nicole Jokic or Joel Embiid? Also our reaction to UFC 259.
The links to our full discography are down below. Greatly appreciate itYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD0GRJO7-UUck3U65K5iH7Q (Off The Dome Podcast)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5qbNdVmdmHl7Z6VP7qexLL?si=UUdFisZgRxOEAMKxUv7Z_w&nd=1 (OTD Sports Talk)
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/otd-sports-talk/id1555169873 (OTD Sports Talk)

Dak Prescott signs a new 4-year deal worth $160 million.. Was it the right decision? What does Blake Griffin to Brooklyn mean for the outcome of the NBA season. Who should win the NBA MVP, Nicole Jokic or Joel Embiid? Also our reaction to UFC 259.
The links to our full discography are down below. Greatly appreciate itYoutube: Off The Dome Podcast
Spotify: OTD Sports Talk
Apple: OTD Sports Talk