Gian chooses to talk about a difficult topic near and dear to his heart, the timeless conflict between biology and behavior. Josue and Gian both dissect Beastars in an attempt to see how the series could be used to talk about race, gender and drug addiction. Gian talks about naturalistic bias when talking about male […]

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Gian chooses to talk about a difficult topic near and dear to his heart, the timeless conflict between biology and behavior. Josue and Gian both dissect Beastars in an attempt to see how the series could be used to talk about race, gender and drug addiction. Gian talks about naturalistic bias when talking about male behavior in the context of the gender binary and dissects the idea that what is natural is not always ethical. Josue talks about the hopeless state of feeling out of control drawing parallels between Legoshi and drug addiction. Gian and Josue debate on their conflicting views on the amount of volition or choices available to people enduring drug addiction, spurring a long exploration on what it means to “have a choice” and the environmental and societal factors that influence said choice.

Talking Points: Sexual urges, Hunger, Carnivore vs Herbivore, Binary Gender norms, Naturalistic bias, Biological Determinism, Drug addiction, Volition, Environmental factors, Societal factors, Opioid addiction, Alcohol addiction, Control, Interventions, Depression, Suicide

Anime Mentioned: Beastars, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball

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The post Biological Urges: Conflicts with Biology appeared first on Otaku Ryōhō - Geek Therapy.

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