Conversations about sex with those we work with can at times be a tricky one to navigate. It is however an occupation most human beings engage in at some point in their lives and therefore is important that Occupational Therapists are able to work with this when it arises in practice. In this episode, I discuss all things sex with Dr Sakshi Tickoo.

Dr. Sakshi Tickoo (she/hers) is a new grad Occupational Therapy practitioner, Personal Counsellor, and Student Mentor working in school-based, home healthcare, and telehealth settings for over a year now. She serves a diverse population of 3 years to 65 years of age and specialises in the areas of Sexuality and Mental Health-wellness and rehabilitation. She's also the founder of Sex, Love, And OT which is aimed at educating healthcare students/professionals and serving people who seek Sexuality, OT and Mental Health services. In her new venture to improve OT representation, she founded The OT Shop- India's first merch store to connect OTs around the world!"

You can find out more about Dr Tickoo by visiting her websites below and following her across her social media sites. She also kindly provided a list of resources of people to follow on social media and websites to visit for all things sex and occupational therapy.


Sex, Love, And OT:

The OT Shop:

Social    Media  Links:


Instagram: | @the_otshop



The Rainbow OT (IG & Website)
Sexuality and Occupational Therapy by Dr. Breanne G (IG & Website)
OT After Dark (Podcast)
Institute for Sex, Intimacy & OT (Website)
Sexuality and Occupational Therapy: Strategies for Persons with Disabilities      (Textbook by Dr. Bernadette Hattjar)
Sex, Love, And OT (IG & Website)

If you want to share your thoughts and opinions on what you hear, you can contact me via twitter (@ot_chill) Instagram (otandchill) and email ([email protected]). If you would like to be a guest on the podcast, please drop me an email too on the address above.