This episode, three of our podsters gather to talk all things royal and Oscars' obsession with King and country.

Paul Schofield delivers a spellbinding (and Oscar-winning) performance as Thomas More during his final years and fatal fall-out with King Henry VIII in Fred Zinnemman's A Man For All Seasons, also featuring one of John Hurt's earliest screen performances, and not one, but two Redgrave appearances.

In Tom Hooper's The King's Speech, Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush go head to head as King George VI and speech therapist Lionel Logue as they work together to conquer the king's stammer and prepare for his first wartime speech. Helena Bonham Carter also stars, delivering a beautiful and sensitive performance as Queen Elizabeth. There's also some prominent wallpaper the podsters just can't shake.

Thank you to Thomas Whitelaw for our intro music and Rachel Valentine Smith for our artwork.