In the movie, Crimson Tide, a fist fight breaks out on a nuclear submarine. The cause? Who drew the better Silver Surfer? Kirby or Moebius! Well, we don’t bring up that debate, but we do discuss fanaticism! If you’ve watched the news or read social media, you’ve seen irrational behavior. If you’ve ever seen orContinue reading "Silver Surfer: Parable"

In the movie, Crimson Tide, a fist fight breaks out on a nuclear submarine. The cause? Who drew the better Silver Surfer? Kirby or Moebius! Well, we don’t bring up that debate, but we do discuss fanaticism! If you’ve watched the news or read social media, you’ve seen irrational behavior. If you’ve ever seen or felt like hurting people who don’t agree with you, give this podcast a listen. This story written in the late 1980s has become more relevant than ever.