This guided meditation provides suggestions for contemplating what are called the Four Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.  These contemplations are embedded within the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.  Peter describes the subjective characteristics of each of the Elements and suggests different areas of the body to mindfully investigate their nature.  This guided meditation is […]

This guided meditation provides suggestions for contemplating what are called the Four Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.  These contemplations are embedded within the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.  Peter describes the subjective characteristics of each of the Elements and suggests different areas of the body to mindfully investigate their nature.  This guided meditation is intended to accompany the Dharma talk entitled ” Working With The Four Elements Contemplation”, which explains how developing proficiency in this training exercise interrupts hindering internal chatter and supports differentiating the separate characteristics of physical sensational awareness and co-occurring fabricating function of the mind.  This understanding increases one’s ability to “deconstruct” belief in an enduring/autonomous self.