Tempest and Aleen get back to the future (well, the present) with a new episode about the value of habits — and how and why they don’t work for everyone. They’ll discuss the importance of sticking with routines — and when to stop being productive long enough to do the things (like eating) that keep you productive. Also, “pantsers” vs. gardeners; how routines that prepare your brain can help you reach a more creative place; how to use bite-sized goals and rewards to keep working; feline obstacles to productivity; why “grit” is super annoying; and the importance of taking time to step back, look at the big picture, and be kind to yourself.

Tempest and Aleen get back to the future (well, the present) with a new episode about the value of habits — and how and why they don’t work for everyone. They’ll discuss the importance of sticking with routines — and when to stop being productive long enough to do the things (like eating) that keep you productive. Also, “pantsers” vs. gardeners; how routines that prepare your brain can help you reach a more creative place; how to use bite-sized goals and rewards to keep working; feline obstacles to productivity; why “grit” is super annoying; and the importance of taking time to step back, look at the big picture, and be kind to yourself.

Links and Show Notes:

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Episode 24: Bury Your Shoulds



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