A few years ago, I started the Embrace Conference, known that first year at the Rise Conference, on a whim. I was hooked! I loved everything about running a conference despite making every mistake possible that first year. Then in 2020, I made the announcement that 2020 would be the last Embrace Conference.  

When I made that decision, I never could have imagined that 2020 would also bring a worldwide pandemic!


In response to this new challenge, I pivoted and we brought you a virtual conference experience. It was the little extra life we needed at a time when we desperately needed to feel connected to others.


Everything has a season. I know that until you let go of one thing, your hands cannot be open to receive the next thing. I’m about to enter a new season and it’s time to let go.


This means that the season for the Embrace Conference is now coming to an end in 2022. For real this time! This June is your last opportunity to be part of the Embrace Conference. You can attend in person or virtually. 


Go to https://organize365.com/embrace2022 for more information and to sign up to join us in June.