I want to invite you to join me in the Organize 365® Adult Spring Break Blitz.

Every year, I encourage you to take a week and focus on finishing some of your backlog of home projects. Ideally, this will be a week at home, by ourselves, to get projects done.

But, even if you can’t take the time off of work, I can help you adapt this to make it work for you and the time, family, and home you actually have. 

Together, we will pick one space and plan to get it completely organized - decluttered, organized, and productivity increased. You will pick one area of your home (closet, garage, kids bedroom, or even storage). You will keep going back to this one space and work consistently to finally get it organized.

I want you to have that finished feeling! By returning to this space, you will finish all of those little projects and the space will finally be organized and easier to maintain. 

In 2022, I’ll be showing you how I get my storage room organized. I am inviting you to join me and work on getting one space in your home finished. 

Our Adult Spring Break Blitz will be March 21-25. 

Registration opens March 1st!

Join us at https://organize365.com/adult-spring-break-blitz