Like most, I get nostalgic with the anticipation of the holidays. My mom really knew how to make the holidays more difficult on herself, all in the name of quality time and acts of service. She loved the time with me and my sister as we created all these tokens of the holiday spirit. Christmas in July was real in our house. We would make so many ornaments for Junior League that we had to start early, not to mention the elaborate holiday cards that we had next on the to-do list. Not like ordering them from an online photo service…oh no, these were painstakingly hand made with intricate details! Once the holidays were upon us, grandma would come over and mom would decorate the whole house with her. Too bad none of it could be real (like the greenery and flowers) because my allergies to outside things are real. All of this was in the name of her holiday party that first week in December. I remember the elaborate wrapping paper and this fun game my mom had to play to keep me from discovering what gifts were mine. Boy did those beautifully wrapped gifts make a great statement when her party was in full swing!

Stop Chasing Your Own Tail 

That wrapping paper “game” is one of my favorite memories, but my mom doesn’t remember because she wasn’t focused on it. She just didn’t want me to know what gifts were mine! I loved it because she had to get more clever each year. I wanted my gifts of course, but I really wanted to know what the code was that I had been puzzled over all December. I bring all of this up to remind you not to chase your own tail this holiday season. Download the Holiday Blitz and do the worksheets. You may learn the things you think your family and loved ones value are not the things you thought. I’ll give you an example; I asked my kids many years ago, and then again 2 years ago, what really made the holidays for them. Two years ago, I learned that yes, my kids like to decorate cookies, but not like I had fantasized. See, when I was little, we’d go to grandma’s house and bake and frost cookies of all shapes and sizes. I loved cookie making day. I wanted to continue that tradition. Turns out my kids would rather do it differently, although they do not want it to go away. I desire this cookie day, so how could I appease all parties? I asked more questions. Do you want to bake the cookies? Frost the cookies? How many cookies do you want to decorate? Do you like having different shapes? I adapted cookie day with my children to a tube of sugar cookie dough so they can decorate a handful of cookies and Mimi’s homemade cookies. I am still giving my children what they want to make the holidays feel like the holidays with a reduced to-do list, saving money, and less stress!  But I realized I still want a little more as you may too. I have created Mini Planning Day for this reason! How can you get your cup filled too? 

When is the Mini Planning Day and Why Attend? 

Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11 a.m. ET

This is a day for you - the maker of holiday magic. In the midst of making sure the holidays look and feel the way your family and close loved ones want it to be, we put our own desires aside. This day is to get prepared. What did you learn from the Holiday Blitz? What supplies do you need? Do you need to take a day off to shop or decorate? When will you throw your holiday party? What makes the holidays for you? And how can you take advantage of Black Friday sales? I have intel to make sure you get all the deals. I’m even throwing in a holiday party planning checklist! Then we devise a plan on how to make this less stressful while keeping up your productivity! And if you are in The Productive Home Solution®, you get 50% off this Mini Planning Day!

You Gonna Need More Brains

With all this planning comes systems, right? During the holidays here at Organize 365®, we agree you need more brains. You need your year round Sunday Basket®. But you also need a sapphire blue Sunday Basket® to file away paperwork and planning for the new year, especially all your tax stuff! And finally, a hunter green Sunday Basket® for holidays, of course. I label my 1.0 slash pockets Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Receipts, and Waiting For. But you label them how it works most effectively for you! When you are pressed for time, it’s a quick grab to go to the holiday Sunday Basket® instead of rummaging through your year round Sunday Basket®. I really want this holiday season to be spent making time for your family and loved ones and enjoying them. You don’t want to end up sick on the couch watching everyone open gifts as the finale to an amazing holiday season you put on but didn’t get to enjoy!

Holiday Blitz Bundle [+] Complete Sunday Basket® 

Sunday Basket® + 2 Additional Sunday Basket®s

One Hunter Green 

Rainbow 1.0 Slash Pockets

One Sapphire Blue

One Complete Sunday Basket® (You choose the color) 


Holiday Blitz Bundle

2 additional Sunday Basket®s

One Hunter Green 

Rainbow 1.0 Slash Pockets

One Sapphire Blue


Episode Resources:

FREE Holiday Blitz

Holiday Blitz Bundle

Complete Sunday Basket [+] Holiday Blitz Bundle

Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day

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