In this post, I will be sharing how ADHD affects the executive functioning skills of self monitoring and task initiation.

In other words, I am definitively answering the question...

How do I get started?!

OK, this is a biggie. There are quite a few reasons why you have trouble with task initiation. If this is a struggle for you, the podcast goes into a bunch of examples I couldn't possibly type out here.

First, task initiation is the combination of knowing how to start and sustaining your focus to finish a task. 

Honestly, if this is your struggle you may like my blog and podcast, but you still can't START. I know, SO frustrating! My words make sense, but you aren't making progress. WHY?!

It is because now you have TOO MUCH information. I hear all the time about how my podcasts and posts are changing people's mindset about getting organized. They have even had SOME successes, but they just can't get started.

If this is you... you need information AS you need it, not all at once.

This is why the Mastermind Community is working so well. I am making adjustments to this program for the relaunch in August just for you.

You can read the rest of the post and download one week of the Mastermind Checklists here:

Are you frustrated you need to wait until August to join the Mastermind Community?

My Get ALL Your Papers Organized in ONE Weekend Kit is designed the same way, but focuses on getting your paper organized. You can read all about it here.

Link to Alpha Brain: