In my roles as a teacher, mother, and professional organizer, I have created solutions and strategies for people who have been diagnosed with ADHD to live a more organized life. With 20 years of hands-on experience and relentless research, I am ready to share with you what I have learned and what may help you and your loved ones achieve more organization in your daily life, too.

Today is the start of a 4 week series. Each post in this series will also have an accompanying podcast where I will share real life stories and expound on the points made in this post.

I'm going to be honest. Writing and recording these podcasts makes me nervous. I am not an ADHD expert. I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or doctor. But I am willing to share with you what I have learned so you can do your own research and try what has worked for my clients and see if it works for you.

Honestly, I think that not knowing where to start and how to stay motivated is the number one reason we are all not more organized. But to really unpack that, I need to explain why the brain works the way it does and all the outside factors working AGAINST you getting your house organized.

Hint – It’s not your spouse or your kids.

My experience and research has shown that ADHD, as it relates to organization, affects the 8 executive functioning processes in the brain.

Today’s post and podcast discusses the general diagnosis of ADHD, how it is related to anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, and perfectionism.

In the next 3 posts/podcasts, I will unpack the specific symptoms of ADHD and how to overcome them!

View the post and podcast here:

Link to Alpha Brain: