This holiday season for me is all about simplifying and strategically making memories with my tweens.

I have tried to do it all and it doesn’t work. I have given up on the idea that the whole family will decorate the house. They don’t. It’s only me, and I have lost too many decorating days to inward “poor me” thoughts.

This year, I am taking a “day off” from work, cranking the tunes and decorating by myself. If I can’t put it up in ONE day- I’m donating it.

I want to bake cookies with the kids. I want to make a nice big turkey dinner once or twice. I want to use our good Christmas dishes. I AM going to send cards THIS year!! I want to buy meaningful gifts – if possible at a discount {I’m terrible at this!}. I want to plan a “take down the tree day” so that it is on my calendar and not a feeling of guilt every time I walk by it.

I want to be PRESENT for the activities I plan instead of just checking another thing off my list.

Read all about my holiday preparations and links to all 10 posts here: