On the Wednesday Podcast this week, I share my conversation with Angela Watson. Angela is the creator and teacher of the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club. Her program helps teachers become more prepared and organized so they can spend less time at work and have a sustainable career.

We talk about the many choices we have made to pivot during the safe at home experience. Angela and I deep dive into some of the challenges teachers are facing while teaching remotely. We also talk deeply about the challenges parents have faced with remote learning and an unpredictable school year in the fall. We talk about how to balance the administrative tasks for teachers too. We talk about how to balance professional AND personal development.

We both want you to show up as the best version of yourself - and that means time away from work to rest and recharge. I think this will be fascinating as a parent, teacher, or just someone working on self-care. Learn more about the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club and how you can join now as a friend of Lisa (even though it's closed to the public!) - organize365.com/angela