Barbara Stanny (Huson) | Overcoming Underearning | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

On Mondays, I will be posting a podcast recording of previously recorded book reviews. These are books that have impacted me that I want to share with you. Just in time for tax day, throughout April, I review books on money and money mindset. I share my own beliefs, ideas, and thoughts about money, and I share how I have been able to transform these over time. 

Overcoming Underearning: Overcome Your Money Fears and Earn What You Deserve & Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life by Barbara Stanny helped me to overcome many of my personal limiting beliefs about money. 

I started with these books in 2016 and used her quizzes to journal about the thoughts in my head that were holding down my success. Being positive, abundant, and wealthy are available to all of us, but we need to work on our mindsets. This book helped me to cultivate my mindset to move up in my earning and in how I manage my money. 

You can also watch this as a video review on YouTube

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