Alice Schroeder | Snowball: Warren Buffett & the Business of Life | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

On Mondays, I will be posting a podcast recording of previously recorded book reviews. These are books that have impacted me that I want to share with you. Just in time for tax day, throughout April, I review books on money and money mindset. I share my own beliefs, ideas, and thoughts about money, and I share how I have been able to transform these over time. 

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder is our next money mindset book. This is a really long tale of the life and work of Warren Buffett and includes information on prior generations. I learned a lot about his simple lifestyle and how he learned about the stock market. I listened to this on Audible and it was like learning from a grandfather like person about history and money. I loved it!

You can also watch this as a video review on YouTube

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