Napoleon Hill | Thing & Grow Rich | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

March is all about sales. I share books that have influenced how I sell, the sales process I use, and how I have been able to create enough income to keep a small business alive, growing, and thriving for 8 years. 

Today I am reviewing the book Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill. This book moves from sales strategies and principles to the mindset of selling. Instead of teaching the tactics of being a good sales person, this book helps develop the emotions required to make sales. We all have beliefs that are inside of our head that hold us back.

This book really simplifies success into two key principles that I explain in the video. I also share with you how I applied these two keys into Organize 365 and how they have helped me find success and share the mission of our company. Make sure to watch to learn these for yourself!

You can also watch this as a video review on YouTube

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