Perry Marshall | 80/20 Rule | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

My March book reviews are all about sales. I share books that have influenced how I sell, the sales process I use, and how I have been able to create enough income to keep a small business alive, growing, and thriving for 8 years.

80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall takes the traditional 80/20 rule and applies it specifically to sales and marketing. In my book review,

I explain how I saw the 80/20 rule in action as a professional organizer and I use it in the 100 Days Home Organization Program.

As a business owner, I learned about spending time and effort on the most important things, how to understand the “power curve,” and how to determine what to delegate. This book really helped me to scale Organize 365 and I highly recommend it.

You can also watch this as a video review on YouTube

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