Sally Hogshead | How the World Sees You | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

My February book reviews are focused on personality tests, uniqueness, and how learning about your own approach to the world can benefit your personal growth and your business team.

How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination by Sally Hogshead describes 49 different fascination advantages. The matrix helps individuals identify strengths and weaknesses of seven different archetypes (bigger categories).

This week I share how the world sees me along with five adjectives that are commonly used to describe me. Within the advantages, there is guidance for how to work best with your type. This has been highly effective in my own team so that we can optimize our effectiveness by delivering how others work best. Listen in to see what famous people share my advantage and way of being seen!

You can also watch this as a video review on YouTube

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