Laura Vanderkam | 168 Hours & I know How She Does It | Book Review by Lisa Woodruff

Laura Vanderkam is one of my favorite authors, and I am a superfan. Her writing has had a tremendous impact on my ability to grow my business. Most importantly, Laura opened my mind to see time in a completely different way. That transformed my productivity. Today, I am reviewing two of Laura’s books.  

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think and   

I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time (Amazon Affiliate Links). 

When I read 168 Hours, Laura Vanderkam revolutionized my understanding of time. Instead of feeling frantic and busy, I now consider time over a week span instead of a day. After reading this book, I was able to better analyze how I was using my time, and found much more time for self-care and to make decisions about how and when to work. Because of her, I now divide my week into two halves - 8 am Monday morning through 8pm Thursday and Thursday evening until Monday morning. This helps me to feel like I have much more control over my time. 

I Know How She Does It is Laura Vanderkam’s analysis of her time study of 6 figure women. I learned so much about outsourcing parts of my work (especially when it was easy to hire help - like house cleaning and child care). My big takeaways: 1. How we spend time is our role in life. 2. For better self care, know you are worth it and know what you need. In the upcoming years, Organize 365® will be working to complete similar time studies focusing on things like the Sunday Basket® and home organization

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