Today, I want to announce and introduce some brand new Organize 365 products to increase your working from home productivity. 

Organize 365 believes and teaches that organization is about changing your mindset, decluttering, and focusing on what’s functional. I am announcing some new products today, but they are not needed to get your home and paper organized. You need a Sunday Basket®, the 100 Day Home Organization Program, and the four basic binders to establish your foundation of organization. We have had those products for almost 3 years now. We continue to make improvements and add value to your purchases, but these core pieces have not changed.. 

I have promised you for years that once you get organized, you will have more free time, and many of you are finding that to be true! And, now, you are asking, what do we do with all of this time? Today - I have answers for you! All of the products I am sharing with you today are specifically designed to equip you to do the work  you were uniquely created to do. 

I have been able to adapt the Sunday Basket® into various Friday Workboxes to empower me to have a multi-passionate life - I homeschool my daughter, run a corporation (Organize 365), volunteer, and pursue my other hobbies and passions without dropping anything.

Organize 365 App - I appreciate your patience in getting this app out there in the world. There are no organizing emergencies, so we continue to work on this so it is 110% ready for you. It will be completely integrated with the Organize 365 website, and once it’s ready, we will be sure to let you know.

Winter 2021 Planner for the 100 Day Home Organization Program - changed out the beginning pages of the planner to better focus on setting goals, figuring out your time, and establishing your morning, afternoon, and evening routines. I haven’t removed any of the pages, but I want to continue to add value and support your success. (If you have already ordered this planner, we are mailing you the updated pages as our gift!)

Friday Workbox Planner - This is designed to be used with any Friday Workbox you use to earn an income. (It is not designed to be used with the Teacher, Homeschooling, or Volunteer Workboxes at this time). The planner will walk you through taking all of your ideas and to do items, organizing them, and then doing the work to make progress and achieve your goals. This is an undated, quarterly (3 month) planner.

Workbox Planning Day - Our first ever Workbox Planning Day will be Saturday December 5, 2020 from 10am-3pm EST. For work related planning, I always spend the month before the next business quarter setting goals, prioritizing my projects, and making my plan. This gives me enough time to really think, analyze, and plan so I can hit the ground running and start making progress as soon as the new quarter starts. This will be a guided time to deep dive through your whole Friday Workbox and to set up your planner along with me. 

Colored Lattice Binders - At times, you will find that you have slash pocket information that need to be held for reference or as archive information. We now have colored lattice binders to match the 2.0 slash pockets - pink, purple, blue, and green are now available. Since you can order them individually, you could also order them for your kid’s Lisa Binder for school.

Income and Expense Binder - Organize 365 now has a complete and ready to use binder to track your income and expenses. Every year I have been in business (23 years and counting), I make a binder like this for my own business finances. It is a game changer and a life saver! This keeps my business expenses separate from my personal (home) expenses. Every year, I can send my accountant my paperwork in early February and have my taxes done. This binder has 3 sets (15 individual) green slash pockets and specialized printables for each month. This binder will hold your expense receipts, your income trackers, and has a mileage log. Using this, you will be able to keep a running profit and loss statement so you can keep a close eye on your profits.  

Single Color 2.0 Slash Pockets - By popular request, we are now able to offer a single set of 5 slash pockets in one of the 2.0 colors - pink, purple, blue, or green. While you can still buy additional sets of the whole 2.0 set, you can also purchase colors individually.

Organize 365 Notepads - Available in single pads or sets of 3, we now have branded notepads of 100 sheets of paper in the size of index cards. These are super fun and easy to keep stashed in places where you have great ideas (home, car, bedroom, work desk, etc.) to jot down your ideas to toss in your Sunday Basket® or Friday Workbox. These are the sheets I use when writing out my schedule and project list for the next day. 

Embrace 2021 - Please save June 26 and 27th of 2021 for a combined virtual and live, in-person Embrace experience. We are in the process of securing a hotel location, and we will be selling tickets in early 2021.

New Sunday Basket® Colors - We have four new colors to add to the Sunday Basket® selections. Now available in - Basic Black, Champagne, Trendy Teal, and Sapphire Blue. 

I hope that you are as excited as we are about these new products to help you apply your organizing skills to your work and figure out how to adapt to continue to be safe in this pandemic. I want to continue to be an inspiring, encouraging, and positive voice in your life right now. We are here with you!