The Paper Solution - Kid's School Memory Binder

In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. 

The Kid's School Memory Binder

Binders have so many benefits - they are easy to update, they help limit how much we save, and they are far more portable than a file cabinet. This is one place to keep art work, stories, awards, certificates, and those adorable school photos. 

I have even made these binders for Greg and myself. We had some great times reading each other's school papers, sharing stories, and just being surprised by each other. One binder for each person in the house is really fun and a great way to keep a reasonable amount of school memories in an organized way.

The Kid's School Memory Binder helps to keep your child's school papers, memories, and certificates in easy to enjoy (and space limiting) binders. When you use page protectors, it is easy to add and remove papers over time. I am always astounded by how much kids enjoy looking back at their own work and sharing the stories. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out Chapter 14 of The Paper Solution

In the podcast, I also share about the Warrior Mama IEP Binder - a way to help you get and keep your paperwork organized if you are dealing with special needs or individualized education plans.