I know some of you missed our regular Friday podcast this week. But, because Embrace sold out, and we are making several exciting announcements during our time together, I want you to get the same information in real time. Listen in for all of the details, but here are the major highlights:

-We have a NEW physical Sunday Basket® available NOW in the shop!

-We have a brand new #SundayBasketClub mug that you can earn by sharing your Sunday Basket® on Facebook or Instagram. Check out the rules and get more information at organize365.com/contest

-Starting July 17th, 2020, we will be hosting a Workbox Club on Fridays from 4-5:30 pm EST in the Workbox Facebook Group.

-Finally, the 100 Day Home Organization Program is getting an app to help you get your home organized. The next round starts September 7th, 2020. There will be NO additional charge - it will be included with your purchase of the 100 Day Program. Sign up and get started today!