In 2019, we decided that in 2020, Organize 365 would not offer any new products. Instead of focusing on teaching our community about new products and how to use them, we are focusing on making improvements and adding value for what you have already purchased.

Because we have some open space and time to do something new and different, I want to take you on a journey with me. I promise you that once you get your home and paper organized, you will have more time and you will be able to share your unique gifts with the world. I know that once you are no longer trapped in clutter and your home is a sanctuary and a rest from the world, you will have so much to share with others.

I am starting to hear from some of you that you are reaching that place. You can hear the open futures on our Wednesday Transformation Podcasts. But, I am also hearing that you do not know where to start figuring out what comes next. Today on the podcast, we are going to start discovering YOU! Over the next weeks and months, I am going to share the experts, books, assessments, and personal growth journey I have been on. I will share my resources and my own critical analysis of my own life and thinking. I want to help you get organized and then to go out into the world to get, do, be, and give back to live out your unique purpose.

Listen in and you will hear what I have planned for the next part of our journey. If you are not fully organized yet, I still think you should listen in and let your heart and mind start working on what might come next. Understanding your why and your goal can give you additional fuel and motivation to keep working on decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity.