This week on the podcast, Jenn Dickel and I share our experience starting and growing our own small businesses. We discuss starting a part-time business, making the leap to full time self-employment, and learning to network. As women who own businesses, we talk through how we can explore our differences and then come together and support each other as business women. Women do not all have the same gifts, work in the same niche, or offer the same services. Anytime we take on a new dream, we benefit from walking alongside others on similar journeys. 

We discuss the Facebook group the Professional Organizer’s Think Tank (POTT). Lisa started (and has supported) this group as a free resource for professional organizers who start their own businesses. They also share information about the POTT podcast where Lisa shares some of the real details and decision making in the early years of her former in-home professional organizing business.

No matter what business or adventure you are considering, women can benefit from finding a mastermind of like-minded and similarly focused friends. When we work together, we have a bigger impact, AND we have more fun! You can have this same experience in your personal life by attending Embrace in West Chester, Ohio June 26-28, 2020. EARLY BIRD PRICING THROUGH FEBRUARY 2020!!! Register at

One way you can get extra support as a professional organizer is by becoming an Organize 365 Sunday Basket ® Certified Workshop Organizer. Lisa is offering a FREE Masterclass for people interested in learning about becoming certified on Tuesday February 4, 2020 at 1 PM EST. This is an informational class on what certification offers your own professional organization business. Organize 365 wants to support those of you who want to start your own small business helping others get organized. Because of Lisa’s upcoming Book Tour, this is the last time the Certification Program will be open in 2020!