So many of you asked me to create a virtual Embrace experience. I carried you in my heart the whole time Embrace was going on. And I kept thinking ...

How could I do that? I thought and puzzled and then puzzled some more. And then I did it!

Listen in to the podcast this week to hear the Embrace attendees telling you about THEIR experience at Embrace and THEIR transformations. Including:

Doing what you need to do to make your family better Overcoming fear and guilt Repairing a broken marriage Depression happens, but you will get through it A mindset shift from feeling like you are drowning to learning how to relax and let the next thing come How to create a life purposefully and want the best for YOU - not just everyone else We are all more alike than we are different Dumping the guilt and not looking back It's ok to be single Grieving the loss of what you thought your life was going to look like You are not broken You are WORTH IT! It is ok to accept the love you are given without trying to "pay it back"

And then consider experiencing Embrace for yourself in our new "Embrace the Journey Bundle". We even created a custom Organize 365 puzzle just for you to work as you puzzle through your own organizational transformation.

You can check out the whole bundle here.