Do you have a big project looming over your head?

Maybe you’ve been procrastinating on it for a while and now you’re ready to get things in order. Or, maybe you woke up this morning with an amazing idea to start a big project in your home or office.

This is a great weekend to tackle those BIG projects!

Here’s a little-known fact about me – I love projects. The bigger the project, the better. I love everything about big projects from the planning stage right through to completion.

So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to reveal how I tackle really big projects in hopes that it might help or inspire you to organize a big project of your own.

The Basement to Bedroom Project

It all began with a basement… last spring.

Abby had outgrown her bedroom and we’ve talked about the idea of her moving down to the basement for some time.

Did you know she has a pet ferret living in her bedroom with her? Yeah, those things need a big cage and they take up a lot of room. So, we decided she could move to the basement and have the space she needs for her and Willow (the ferret).

Plus, it worked out pretty well for me because I’ve been working from a home office in my bedroom for years and I knew Abby’s old bedroom would make a great office. So, it’s a win-win situation for both of us.

The only problem is that moving Abby’s bedroom to the basement is a mammoth task. One thing to remember about doing a big project in your house is that it doesn’t just affect one person. One room is like an octopus with tentacles that trickle out to other areas of the house and, before you know it, you’ve got the entire house involved.

To make the process go as smoothly as possible, I needed a plan. And before I knew it, project basement was underway!

In the podcast, I recount how I tackled that project:

Step 1 – The Planning Phase

Step 2 – Budgeting

Step 3 – Getting to Work!

Last weekend, I started... The Master Bedroom & Lisa's New Home Office Project.

I have been sharing my progress on all three of these projects in my highlights on Instagram. :)

What about you? Do you like to tackle really big projects? Do you have a project scheduled for this holiday weekend?

Tag me online so I can see!

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