I often talk about getting organized and more specifically, what the journey to a more organized life looks like. Once you dive deep into it, you’ll go beyond decluttering and start living a truly proactive, positive, and productive life.

But what does that really look like?

You see evidence of it splashed on Instagram. You read snippets of it in books and hear all about it in inspirational speeches. However, if you’ve been listening to the podcast and you’ve started to incorporate the Sunday Basket into your life, you’ve already tasted what it feels like to live an organized life. It’s a journey and as far as I can tell, there’s no clear stopping point. There’s always room for improvement.

I love talking to you guys on Instagram and in our private Facebook group, but I’ve noticed that so many of you think that I’ve always been this way.

The truth is that I was on the same organizational journey as you are right now. I once lived a disheveled and disorganized life and it took a lot of will power and motivation to get to where I am today.

I still struggle! Right now, I’m on a personal weight loss journey and I want to talk to you about it because I believe that it parallels what you might be going through in your organizational journey.

In the podcast, I deep dive into...

How I got started on my wellness & weight loss journey. What I learned from Body Love How I completed the "Faster Way to Fat Loss"’ Program What I think about Chalene Johnson's new 131 Method

And a few other things that helped me along the way…

I’d love to hear about your own organizational journey or health and well being journey. What changes have you made to live a healthier lifestyle? Let me know over on our Facebook Group and follow me on Instagram to keep up with new episodes of the podcast!

View the full post here: https://organize365.com/wellness/