I talk about organizing a lot on the podcast (it’s called Organize 365 after all!). I’ve covered everything from discovering your why to the Psychology of the Sunday Basket and how to know Which Workbox is Right for You?

But surprisingly, I’ve never addressed what living an organized life actually feels like... until now!

In this episode, I reveal what an organized life really looks like. No unrealistic expectations. No idealistic dreams. None of that. Just an honest look behind the curtain of an everyday, organized life.

Setting Realistic Expectations

I’ll be honest with you. There was a rather delusional time in my life when I pictured a perfectly organized life to mirror Martha Stewart’s.

You know, with everything neatly packed into pretty containers, angelic children floating around the house, and waking up to an adorable puppy licking my nose as he waits for his morning walk. Like I said, delusional.

Once I started to declutter and really focus on living a more organized life, my previous expectations were, for lack of a better phrase, shot to hell.

I realized that you’re never going to have everything you want just perfect. You can drive yourself crazy trying, but it’s like trying to reach the end of the rainbow. It’s never going to happen.

The sooner you get rid of unrealistic expectations and focus on the achievable, the sooner you can start living not only a more organized life, but a happier one, too.

In the podcast I explore...

How an Organized Life Looks Different in Each Stage of Life How an Organized Life is Being "Company Ready" How Living an Organized Life is Having More TIME

So, what does an organized life feel like?

An organized life feels like all your basic needs are met and all of the things in your house are done.

And then the real work of stepping up to who you were uniquely created to be takes center stage.

THAT is what I want to see. WHO were YOU uniquely created to be and give to this world?

It sounds so Oprah like, but it is for YOU, too.

It is my greatest fulfillment in life to have found the time to create a curated program for you to get your home organized to free up your time so I can see what your unique gift is to the world.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey!

PS - If you are stuck in your organizing and are not sure why, I'd love for you to join me in my masterclass this month: 3 Reasons You Can't Get Organized And What To Do About It.

View the full post here: https://organize365.com/what-living-an-organized-life-feels-like/