Have you ever thought about being a Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer?

If so, now is YOUR TIME!

Did you ever wonder how the Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer Certification started?

My sister and I talk about how the Sunday Basket Workshop patterns after our experiences at Creative Memories workshops where our clients - who soon became friends - would all rally around on a Friday night in our basements or garages and we would crank up the tunes, share a few laughs, maybe a cocktail or two, and sometimes tears, as we put together scrapbooks.

There was a feeling of satisfaction in having helped women put their memories into albums, while simultaneously, creating more memories in the process. And in the height of the scrapbooking “trend”, there was a lot of money to be made in doing it.

Fast forward to today. There are women literally drowning in their paper piles and the Sunday Basket Workshop is here to save them. And you can help! There are so many major cities in America who do not have a Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer to help them and my sister and I detail in this podcast the list of cities where we desperately need help to help those women get that paper organized!

Maybe you are not ready to be a Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer but you ARE getting a Professional Organizing Business started. Good for you! We have a free downloadable checklist to help you establish your business and we have a Start Your Professional Organization Business program that is a six week course that dives into that checklist soup to nuts. You can download the checklist here. You can learn more about Start here.

Maybe you are not interested in BEING a Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer, but you are looking for one? If so, head on over to the Certified Organizer Directory and see if there is someone in your town to help you get your paper organized!

If you are ready to sign up to be a Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer, simply click here to kick off the process. We would love to have you!

View the complete post here.