Baskets and binders and boxes, OH MY!

A few years ago, I realized there was a lack of paper organizing products on the market. And as you may have noticed, I’ve gotten very into creating physical products this year.

My First Physical Product

A few years ago, I gathered my online digital resources and put podcasts onto CDs, created printables and eBooks, and I created the "Get All Your Papers Organized in One Weekend" program and I sold it on Amazon.

It sold well and was a good solution, but I realized that using CDs was going to become obsolete. So while having a physical way to listen to the podcasts would be beneficial for older generations, the majority of people doing the organization for them were listening to podcasts.

The Next Step

I took some time off from producing physical products until about a year ago. I decided we were going to add a planner to the 100 Day Home Organization Program. I felt it was the only thing missing from the program so I created the planner and we sold 450 of them!

This was AWESOME! I had no problem making and ordering the planner. What I didn’t factor in was that we had to ship them all within ten days. The planners were very well received and it has been a great addition to the program.

In 2017, I also started teaching the Sunday Basket® Workshops online, but I quickly realized we needed better materials. I knew we needed a Sunday Basket® box and I always knew we needed better materials like the slash pockets, but they were missing in the marketplace and I needed to save up cash to manufacture them.

You can hear all about how I manufactured the Sunday Basket® physical basket and slash pockets in Podcast Episode 209.

On To Binders

I love binders. There is power in having the information in our filing cabinets in a portable form so we can take it to the estate lawyer, to the doctor, or the estate agent. When I walk into a meeting with a binder, everyone takes me so much more seriously. They know I have the information to back up what I’m about to say.

While I was starting to develop the binders, there were so many disasters happening... the numerous fires on the west coast, the hurricanes, the earthquakes.

I was watching people being displaced, losing their homes, losing their records, and I realized we all need these binders.

We all need a Medical, Financial, and Household Reference binder because the unexpected always happens. Someone is going to get sick, someone is going to move homes, someone is going to face a natural disaster. If you need to evacuate your house and you have your medical, financial, and household reference binders, you have all of the records you will need.

For years, I tried to figure out how to make home filing systems work. What I ended up doing was just eliminating them all together!

Refining My Message

Creating physical products over the last year has taught me to question and refine my message and my marketing before putting a product out into the marketplace. Physical products are great, but physical products are also part of the organizational journey.

We are paper and pencil analog thinkers FIRST. Then we can transition to digital sortage solutions. Sunday Baskets® and Home Binders are the tool you use as you organize your papers into productive solutions.

Do you have a physical product inside of you that you want to create?

My suggestion would be test it locally. Test it where you can physically drive the product, make small batches, make small quantities.

And then just go for it, follow your dreams. What’s the worst that could happen?

Even online, we still need some physical products.

Next week, I’m going to talk to you about the National Convention. Yes, you can still join us in Dallas! Follow me on Instagram to see the behind the scenes of planning the convention and growing with physical products.

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