With the school year right around the corner, I will be spending August teaching you how to get your household ready for the school year.

But first, a big thanks to those of you who followed along as we completed the Back-To-School Blitz last week, getting ourselves and our kids ready for the new school year. I will definitely do it again next year. It was so much fun!

This week's podcast episode is about the new Productive Home CEO Planner.

You are the Productive Home CEO

When you join the 100 Day Home Organization Program, and use the Productive Home Planner, you automatically get promoted to the “Productive Home CEO” of your house!

As the CEO of our homes, we have A LOT of responsibilities when it comes to keeping our household running and those responsibilities take... TIME!

The PEW Research Center discovered that the average person spends 28 hours per week taking care of their home.

The good news is that, as the CEO, you can delegate some tasks to others instead of taking them all on yourself. Whether that means hiring outside help, or assigning your family members responsibilities, it doesn’t all need to be done by you. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The new Productive Home CEO Planner includes printables and worksheets to help you create a list of those responsibilities that need to be taken care of. From home to healthcare, I cover it all so that you can understand all the roles you play, give yourself grace, and make a plan to run your house so your house doesn't run you!

I feel like a broken record focusing on the three "new years" I use each year, but dividing your year like this will give you more clarity, focus, and energy to run your home. (I explained this concept in podcast 134.)

Each of these times of year has its own unique set of responsibilities associated with it. As such, I have a different planner for each (3 in total) available through the 100 Day Home Organization Program for you to use.

As you organize your home with the 15 minute daily tasks in the 100 Day Home Organization Program, you will start to notice you have extra space and extra time. The Productive Home CEO Planner helps you focus your new-found time and progress to INCREASE your productivity. :)

The Productive Home Planner

As many of you know, I LOVE paper planners.

There is something about the way our brain processes things when we write them down that is so much more helpful than using a computer or other digital alternatives.

But most planners that you find in stores today are not really planners, in my opinion. They are date books. To truly increase your productivity, you need so much more than that. I’ve been designing this planner for a long time... probably about 18 months.

This planner focuses on planning, goal setting, and productivity for the next four months of your life.

To do that, we start by taking a look at four main areas of your home and life:

Home – Includes any physical tasks that need to be completed around your home from the lint trap on your dryer to steam cleaning your carpets. Family – Any way you would like to see your family move forward. For example, I am going to try to get my kids to start doing their own laundry. Self – Personal goals and changes that you would like to see in your own life. Would you like to start reading more? How about spending more time getting involved in your community? Work – This does not have to be a job that is bringing income. It could be home schooling your children, or the active role you play in your church. Whatever you are devoting your time, energy, and motivation to is considered your work.

Next are the fun "plannery" items in the planner:

Checklists – Daily, weekly, and monthly. The checklists are designed to help you keep track of all the home tasks you need to complete. From doing laundry every week to changing the fire alarm batteries twice a year. Weekly Calendar – This will help you plan your week ahead on Sundays. It includes space for daily meal planning, your three main goals for each day, and daily fitness goals. Monthly Calendar – Helps keep track of important dates, update your monthly goals, and track your bill payments.

The Productive Home Planner is spiral bound... which I love… so you can keep it open on the pages you need and leave it in your Sunday Basket™ for reference at any time.

WHAT?! You don't have a Sunday Basket™?

Well, we can fix that right now! Read all about the Sunday Basket™ here and sign up for a virtual class with me here.

Sign up for the 100 Day Home Organization Program . I can't wait to walk you through getting your whole home organized before January 1, 2018!

View the complete post here: https://organize365.com/187